Sunday, January 27, 2019







Thursday, July 21, 2016

Bamboo Wind Chime

Bamboo Wind Chime

The wind chime is made according to this instruction: How to Make a Bamboo Wind Chime

Some of the cordage is made by following this video:

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Moka Pot + Penny Stove/心得:摩卡壺+自製酒精爐

Moka Pot + Penny Stove/心得:摩卡壺+自製酒精爐

I find beer can penny stove is too powerful for Moka pot. The handle of my pot is slightly burnt.
Therefore, I make a penny stove out of tealight base, and am happy with it.
For conserving fuel, time, and reduce the time of coffee powder being heated, I use hot water in my Moka pot to begin with.



  1. Get two tealights/弄兩個這種蠟燭:

  2. Get the bases/只用底盤:

  3. Use a prier to twist the wall a bit. This procedure is to ease the combination of the two bases./用鉗子將底盤壁輕輕扭轉。這個步驟是爲了讓兩個底盤可以輕易合攏。

  4. Stuff the base with cotton to reduce spilling in case of any accident/塞棉花。這是爲了萬一意外發生時減少燃料外漏:

  5. Combine the two bases/將兩個底座合攏在一起:

  6. Use a push pin to poke holes. Five on the top, and 16 on the side./用圖釘戳洞。上面5個,旁邊16個:

  7. Tada.../完成:

It takes me less than two bottle caps of ethanol to make a 2-cup pot.

The design of above stove is based on the following video/這個爐的設計是以下面這個影片爲基礎:

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Homemade Oil Lamp

Homemade Oil Lamp

Instruction for the case:

Instruction for the lamp: [Click Me]

The fuel is from used cooking oil. Hence it is free, after a fashion.
By burning off the oil, this lamp also help reducing waste.

The construction of this lamp is inspired by life hack videos that build lamps with olive oil.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Brick Delivery/宅配磚塊

Brick Delivery/宅配磚塊

The "stool" is not for sitting, but to save the effort of putting the bricks all the way down to the ground, and pick them up again.
